Internship means acquiring practical skills by the unemployed to work by performing tasks in the workplace without an employment relationship with the employer. It takes place based on a contract concluded by and between the Staroste (County Head), on behalf of whom acts the Director of the County Labour Office (Polish abbreviation: PUP) in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, and the employer, in compliance with the program specified in the contract.
The participants of the internship may be only the persons registered in PUP, particularly the persons in a special situation on the labour market, i.e.:
- persons under 30 years of age,
- persons with disabilities;
- persons over 50 years of age;
- long-term unemployed persons (registered in PUP continuingly for over 12 months);
- persons who are on social welfare benefits;
- persons with at least one child under 6 years of age or at least one child with a disability to the age of 18.
Supervision of apprenticeship by the unemployed person is exercised by PUP and the employer appoints a mentor for the trainee, who gives instructions to the unemployed person and assists him in fulfilling his duties and also confirms with his signature the accuracy of information provided in the report prepared by the unemployed person
He informs PUP immediately, not later than within 7 days, on the cases of giving up training, on each unexcused absence of the unemployed person and on other occurrences significant for the training program realization.
On completion of the training, the employer issues a letter of reference to the unemployed person containing information on the tasks realized by him and on qualifications or professional skills acquired during the training.
Further information on: PUP Kędzierzyn-Koźle