Cooperation with the Katowicka Special Economic Zone
The company Katowicka SSE S.A. was incorporated on the basis of the regulation of the Council of Ministers of 18 June 1996. It was established to support and accelerate restructuring processes and create new jobs in the region.
The Zone consists of four sub-zones:
• Gliwicka,
• Jastrzębsko-Żorska,
• Sosnowiecko-Dąbrowska,
• Tyska.
The Katowicka Special Economic Zone covers the entire Śląskie Province and six districts in the Opolskie Province: Strzelecki, Kędzierzyńsko-Kozielski, Głubczycki, Krapkowicki, Oleski and Prudnicki.
This means that the company Katowicka SSA S.A. can issue support decisions in this entire area.
A special economic zone is a legally separate area with regulations allowing entrepreneurs to benefit from income tax exemptions.
An income tax exemption constitutes public aid for a new investment project.
Detailed information on income tax exemption opportunities can be found in the following downloadable presentations: