Instytut Ciężkiej Syntezy Organicznej „Blachownia” (The Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis „Blachownia”; Polish abbreviation: ICSO)
A research unit in the field of organic chemistry. Since 1952, it has been a reliable partner of both Polish and foreign organizations in the field of design, implementation and improvement of chemical technologies, product manufacturing and sales. It is one of the best institutes in Poland.
It does scientific, research, development and implementation work in the area of chemistry, conducts chemical tests and analyses. Its competence and experience are proved by numerous publications, patents and commercial implementations.
With its modern measurement and research equipment, it can provide complex services in research, analysis, consulting and design and in the field of scientific and technical information.
The Institute’s achievements*:
- 890 industrial implementations;
- 1655 patents, including 59 foreign ones;
- 2126 papers published in Poland and abroad;
- 1804 presentations, news releases and poster presentations;
- 14 international contracts for technology transfer.
* as of 31.12.2017
Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis ”Blachownia”
ul. Energetyków 9
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
tel.: +48 77 487 34 70
fax: +48 77 487 30 60
Opolskie Centrum Rozwoju Gospodarki (Opole Centre for Economic Development; Polish abbreviation: OCRG)
Opole Centre for Economic Development, as a budget entity of the self-government of Opole Voivodship, was established on 2 May 2007. OCRG carries out the tasks related to the policy of Opole voivodship development, which consists of such elements as, for example: creating conditions for economic development, creating the job market, stimulating economic activity and increasing the competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy of the Opole region.
The Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre (Polish abbreviation: COIE) with a large database on investment offers in the region functions within OCRG structure and it helps the companies and individual persons that would like to make investments in the Opole voivodship.
The Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre tasks in the scope of investments:
- free of charge support of national and foreign investors, including the organization of visits in communes, audits of investment areas, providing information on the region, support in negotiations with utility suppliers, providing information on investment incentives for companies;
- building cooperation links between the companies in the region;
- involvement in the organization of the economic promotion of the region;
- well- developed post investment services;
- industry-specific cooperation;
- support of export;
- active support of self-governments in offer preparation and investment offer promotion, trainings for local government units;
- creation of purchase platforms (e.g. purchase of electric energy);
- benchmarking meetings;
- support of professional education and others.
In 2016, the Opole Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre was the highest rated centre of all regional investor assistance centres by the certifying commission of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency.
Owing to the cooperation of the Opole Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre with the investors the plants owned by such businesses as Mondelez Polska, Adient (Johnson Controls), Donaldson, Aquila, FPS (Skarbimierz), Polaris, Pastafood, Hongbo, IAC, Skamol, HFG, GSS, Broekelmann Aluminium (Opole), Mubea, IFA, Bito, Tru-Flex, Haba-Beton (Ujazd), Metsa Tissue, Piomar (Krapkowice), Goodmils (Walce) or Schattdecor (Głuchołazy) came into existence.
Opole Centre for Economic Development [Opolskie Centrum Rozwoju Gospodarki]
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre [Centrum Obsługi Inwestora i Eksportera]
ul. Krakowska 38
45-075 Opole
tel. +48 77 40 33 645 – 648
Katowice Special Economic Zone (Polish abbreviation: KSSE)
It is one of fourteen special economic zones in Poland on which investors may run business activities on preferential tax treatment. It covers the area of Silesian, Małopolskie and Opole voivodships. Over 300 enterprises operate in KSSE, which invested about 28 billion PLN and gave jobs to over 65,000 people. In 2007, for the third time, KSSE was found by the “Financial Times” the best economic zone in Europe. It was also distinguished by being awarded the title of “Highly Recommended” in the category of the Best Special Economic Zone for small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe.
One of KSSE sites is the so-called Southern Field of the area of 77ha in Kędzierzyn-Koźle municipality. The site has been prepared for business entities by the Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park. Investors may expect tax reliefs of even 50-70% of the investment costs.
Katowice Special Economic Zone S.A. [Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A.]
ul. Wojewódzka 42
40-026 Katowice
tel. +48 32 251 07 36
tel. +48 32 760 98 38
Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu S.A. (Polish Investment and Trade Agency Joint Stock Company; Polish abbreviation: PAIH)
In the years 2003-2017 its name was Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency S.A. It is a government agency helping investors to enter the Polish market by providing support in the scope of administrative and legal procedures at each stage of the investment process. PAIH also supports firms that are already active in Poland. It also offers assistance in finding in finding the appropriate partners and suppliers, together with new locations.
The Agency operates a network of Regional Investor Service Centres across Poland, the goal of which is to facilitate contacts between the investors and local authorities.
PAIH has a network of foreign representative offices which support the export and investments of the Polish enterprises on the external markets.
Polish Investment and Trade Agency [Polska Agencja Inwestycji i Handlu S.A.]
ul. Bagatela 12
00-585 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 334 98 00
The Chem-Ster Speciality Cluster has the status of the Key Cluster of Opole Region granted by the Opole Voivodship Board on 3 January 2017.
The Chem-Ster Speciality Cluster was established in August 2013.
The founding group included: the Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia” and the Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park Sp. z o.o., which became Cluster Coordinator, and Grupa Azoty Zakłady Azotowe Kędzierzyn S.A.- the Chem-Ster Cluster Leader.
Curently, the Chem-Ster Cluster has 24 Members.
The structure of the Chem-Ster Cluster Members is as follows:
number of enterprises – 20
number of scientific units – 3
number of educational units – 1
Creating favourable investment and development conditions for the companies active in the chemical industry and supporting it, as well as offering comprehensive services for technological projects in the field of speciality chemicals, which is to result in competitive solutions for various economy branches.
- coordination of joint endeavours and ideas for development projects in order to facilitate effective knowledge and technology sharing
- generation of innovative solutions
- development and implementation of new products and services
- gaining a key position of the associated companies both in the region and in the country.
- Realization of Ster-Chem development projects;
- development and updates of the database of potential project ideas;
- development of rules of cooperation of scientific units with companies for the purposes of joint preparation and realisation of R&D projects (forming teams that include employees of the institutions engaged in realisation of given tasks);
- development of an efficient system of knowledge and experience sharing between science and industry, including increasing professional qualifications, professional placements in scientific units and industrial companies (employee exchanges);
- organisation of informational meetings about competitions for research, development and implementation projects and support in gaining funds for them;
- promotion of the brand of the CHEM-STER chemical cluster; using the name and logo of the cluster; making business contacts;
- organisation of cyclical trainings for the Chem-Ster Cluster members;
- obtaining by the CHEM-STER Speciality Cluster s the status of the National Key Cluster – a long-term objective.
CHEM-STER Speciality Chemicals Cluster
Seat of the Cluster Office:
Kędzierzyńsko-Kozielski Park Przemysłowy Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wojska Polskiego 16F
47-220 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
tel.: +48 77 488 62 15
Opolska Izba Gospodarcza (Opole Chamber of Commerce; Polish abbreviation: OIG)
OIG was established on 26.06.1990 by virtue of the Act on Chambers of Commerce of 30.05.1989. It is an economic self-government organization representing the economic interests of affiliated entities in their business activities. Presently, it is one of the business-related institutions acting most dynamically in Opole voivodship.
Presently, the Chamber associates 443 companies not only from the region of Opole but also from other regions of Poland.
For 25 years the Chamber has been a platform of dialog and cooperation between Opole enterprises and the state government and territorial self-government bodies. As a reliable partner it creates an innovative economy, integrating and supporting the community of Opole entrepreneurs. It conducts promotional activities for its members and assists in making contacts with the partners in Poland and abroad. Professionalism and high quality of the services provided by OIG was confirmed by obtaining the PN-EN ISO 9001-2009 Certificate in the scope of economic self- government activities and training, information and counselling services as well as legalization of documents.
The economic entities engaged in economic activities, which contribute to and warrant the realization of the Chamber’s objectives, can associate in the Chamber. The acceptance as a member of the Chamber takes place based on the resolution of the Chamber’s Board after filing a written declaration by a candidate. The registered office of OIG is in Opole and its branches are in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Krapkowice and in Brzeg.
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) [National Economy Bank (Polish abbreviation: BGK)]
National Economy Bank is a state-owned bank for development, the mission of which is to support the social and economic development of Poland and the public sector in realization of their programmes. It is a financial partner supporting actively entrepreneurship and effective realization of development programmes. At the same time it initiates and participates in the cooperation between business entities, the public sector and financial institutions.
Izba Gospodarcza „Śląsk” (“Silesia” Economic Chamber)
The organization supporting and participating in the activities for the development of entrepreneurship and all economic initiatives in Silesia. It is open for all business entities and organizations supporting entrepreneurship and its membership is voluntary. The Chamber associates particularly small and middle-sized companies. These are mostly small workshops, service providers and small manufacturers representing various trades, of which the most numerous group constitute timber plants and business entities related with timber harvesting and processing, eating places, floristic studios, car repair workshops, construction, machining, trade companies. companies providing services.
Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego i Ustawicznego Kędzierzyn-Koźle (Centre for Practical Training and Lifelong Learning in Kędzierzyn-Koźle; Polish abbreviation: CKPIU)
A specialized training centre with a modern base of practical training for vocational school students and for adults to help them acquire high vocational skills. CKPIU is an educational institution fully prepared for the reform of vocational education, the objective of which is adjusting the qualifications of the vocational school graduates to the requirements of the competitive labour market both in Poland and in Europe through the introduction of effective systems of education of the youth and vocational school teacher training.
Local Information Point of European Funds in Kędzierzyn-Koźle
The Information Point ensuring to all interested parties the possibility of obtaining information on all Operational Programmes within the National Cohesion Strategy. The information is provided in the form of direct consultations, telephone enquiries, electronic mail and written correspondence.