Statistical data – Kędzierzyn-Koźle in numbers*
Number of inhabitants: 62.088
Area of the city: 123,7 km2
Number of companies in the city: 6.921, including:
→ 6.589 in the private sector / → 106 companies with foreign capital
Number of people working in the city: 16.697, including 7.671 in industry and in construction business
Unemployment rate in the county: 9,1%
Unemployment rate in the voivodship: 7,2%
Average salary/wage in the county:
→ 4,627.08 PLN gross
→ 5,000.25 PLN gross in construction business and industry
Average capital expenditure in the companies in the county: 538,613,000 PLN
→ 446,989,000 PLN in industry
Roads in the county:
→ 239.3 km of county roads, 303.4 km of commune roads
→totally in Opole voivodship: 3680 km
Distances from Kędzierzyn-Koźle to the biggest Polish cities.
Distances from Kędzierzyn-Koźle to the nearest airports.
Owing to its location in the central part of Europe, there are as many as six European capitals within 500 km from the city: Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest, and three international airports within 140 km: Katowice, Wrocław, Kraków. Kędzierzyn-Koźle is situated at the junction of important traffic routs between metropolitan areas of Lower and Upper Silesia. Four provincial roads (no. 408, 410, 423, 426) converge here and the city is crossed by the national road no. 40. There are a few entrances to the A4 motorway.
It is also an important railway centre in passenger and freight traffic, which is crossed by an international East-West railway main line which is to be connected with the European Railway Transport System. The city is located on the Odra Waterway where the Gliwice Channel meets the Odra and therefore it is connected by waterways with Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Western Europe and Upper Silesia through Port Gliwice.
Distances to the state borders.
Distances from Kędzierzyn-Koźle to the nearest European capital cities.
Number of basic vocational schools in the country: 6 (27 classes)
→ Number of pupils: 430
Number of technical secondary schools in the county: 6 (69 classes)
→ Number of pupils: 1683
The city has qualified staff and a wide educational offer oriented on practical training. There are six vocational schools at basic and secondary vocational level, including the Inland Navigation School Complex. In 2016, the Technical University of Opole opened its satellite campus department in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The Department of Technical Systems Engineering educates students in the fields of: biotechnical systems and industrial information technology.
There are six institutions of higher education in the region of a full range of specializations. Each year about 6,500 secondary school graduates and 7000 of higher school graduates enter the labour market in the voivodship.
* data for the year 2016 based on